Thursday, June 30, 2005

Designer hits the JACKPOT...

Jennifer Aniston was shopping in London when she complimented a fan on her coat. "I casually complimented her on her great coat and she explained it was one of her own designs and insisted on giving it me," reveals Jen. "She was literally taking her coat off in the cold and handing it over! I was mortified. I told her I would visit her studio to buy one. But she wouldn't hear of it. I still feel odd wearing it, but I love this coat and you wouldn't believe the amount of compliments I get!"

Well of course the unknown designer was ripping her clothes off for Aniston!! I'm sure she couldn't get it off fast enough. Minutes before we hear who she is I'm sure....Courtney Cox ALREADY wants one.



I'm not even supposed to be here today said...

I love Jennifer. I hope she makes this designer uber-famous.

Anonymous said...

Are you syndicating through atom? My bloglines account is not catching your updates anymore.

Anonymous said...

That designer was very lucky! she talked to you! Happy New Year Fan love Larry