Sunday, June 12, 2005

Missy Elliott likes big vibrators

Elliott said that a love of sex gadgets inspired her song "Toyz." She said she was "thinking about two vibrators" and a friends sex shop visit when she wrote the song.

She said, "Yeah, they were called the Rabbit and, oh God, the Mega Blaster ". Wack...there's your daily visual.

And just because she is a stout woman does NOT mean she is a lesbo. "When people see how strong I am, and there's not a man around, it's like, 'What is she doin'?' But I don't need a man to make me happy I need to make myself happy first." Yeah...just pass her the giant Mega Blaster.


Diana said...

It's really not a pretty picture :S

I'm not even supposed to be here today said...

I may puff puff pass on a joint, or share a bottle of jaeger while I'm tailgating... But under no circumstances will I share a vibrator. That's icky-bad-gross!