Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Shoe ho

Tara Reid is a whackjob...but you knew that. While staying at the Baglioni Hotel in London she stayed in a $2,000 a night room. But wait. Where will she put all of her liquor? I mean, shoes? I know! A whole other room...genius.

"She booked herself into one of our most expensive suites at around $2,000 a night but then requested a second room too to keep all her shoes," a source said. "It was absolutely bizarre. She said she'd collected all these shoes while she'd been traveling around Europe, but quite why she has to house them separately remains a mystery. The irony is that Miss Hilton was also staying but she was no trouble at all."


Jenni said...

Maybe because they would otherwise stink up her hotel room from her skanky ass feet. Eew..

Gabs said...

ewww. i think alcoholics have bad foot fumes/funk. jenni you called it. your new pic!