Thursday, November 16, 2006

Go Emmitt....Go Emmitt!

Emmitt Smith beat out Mario Lopez in the third season of Dancing With the Stars. "I am so proud of this trophy and I am proud to share it with Cheryl," Smith said. "We worked our tails off."

"Emmitt embodied what this competition is all about," contestant Shanna Moakler said. "He deserved to win. Absolutely."

Runners up Lopez, 33, and partner Karina Smirnoff couldn't hide their disappointment about coming in second place. "Tears streamed down Smirnoff's face as she reluctantly talked to reporters and the usually jovial Lopez tried to console her."

Aww. She was stunned because Mario did indeed have professional training. A local radio host here in Dallas went to school with Mario's sister- She is a professional dancer.

"Apparently world-class dancing wasn't enough. That wasn't the criteria it was based on," a dejected Lopez said. "I don't really care about the trophy. I just wanted to win for Karina. She is honestly the best dancer in the world. No disrespect to the other girls on this show, but they don't hold a candle to her."

Smith, Burke, Lopez and Smirnoff will be in New York City on Thursday for a Ronald McDonald House charity event. Then, Smith will reunite with his family at their Dallas home.

"This is going to be a great Thanksgiving this year," Smith's wife, Pat, said. "He is one happy man and I'm so proud of him." We are too!



Anonymous said...

I think Emmitt won the title because of his remarkable display imitating MC Hammer and doing the Hammer Dance. I'm not sure who does it better: Hammer, Emmitt, or
the MC Hammer turkey in this Thanksgiving ecard.

Anonymous said...

Mario was a sore loser...I couldn't stand him...Emmitt was so much more natural and entertaining. Mario was too cocky.

Anonymous said...

Emmitt simply rules and Mario is a pretty boy diva who got kicked to the curb, ha. Really I would have cried if Mario Lopez won.

Anonymous said...

Did you see Mario and Karina's! before the winner was announced, the two look like they have won the competition already...hahaha LOOSERS! He was too cocky for his own good. Emmitt is a very deserving winner.

Anonymous said...

Emmitt is a great guy and a very good dancer, but he didn't deserve to win. Mario is the better dancer hands down.(and hell yes I would smirk like that if I could dance the way he does!)
The whole show is just a popularity contest pure & simple - look how long people like Jerry Springer and Sara Evans were on there - they can't dance, but their fans kept them on the show.
I would rather win a trophy because I was the best and I EARNED it, not because people "liked" me better.
Emmitt = Mr. Congeniality. lol

Anonymous said...

Emmitt Ba-bey! Emmitt Ba-bey!

Anonymous said...

He deserved it! GO EMMIT!

Anonymous said...

Emmitt won for shure because he showed the most amazing growth from beginning to end.
He truly has NO dance experience at all, and became a dancer on the show.
Cheryl rocks too!

Anonymous said...

Once again America has proven that it all comes down to popularity and sports. Sure, Emmitt was good and entertaining, but not as good as Mario. Mario was GREAT. Whether he was cocky or not is irrelevant. The boy could dance, and it was a dancing competition. Mario should have won. It was disappointing.

Anonymous said...

Emmitt won because he deserved to win. He was the best! Mario was already a dancer. Emmitt was a football player that became a great dancer. That is what makes him the best. The people that complain probley did not even vote. You don't vote you don't have the right to complain about who wins. Way to go Emmitt!!!

Anonymous said...

Mario WAS robbed. He is the best dancer by far. It all comes down to what makes the best story. Sports ex-star beats pretty boy.

Anonymous said...

MARIO WAS ROBBED.....He was the best dancer and grew in to an even better dancer as the weeks went on.

Anonymous said...

I wish Mario would get cocky all over my face! He wuz robbed!!!

Anonymous said...

My sister and I both can't believe Mario did not win. We're we the only ones looking. Yeah Emmit was good but c'mon it was very BASIC dancing. He never really moved forward to try harder things. Mario, was trying harder and much more exciting routines. Dancing with the stars JUDGES SUCKED. This was so set up. Not a coincidence that they were at a tie. The first dance to Stevie they did did not deserve a perfect score. I made me yawn. Mario got a 29 and he deserved the 30. Whatever. I am not looking at dancing with the stars 4 if they have one. WASTE of TIME!!!!

Anonymous said...

It was fixed, MARIO should had won And he's sure still the BIGGEST winner in my book.

Anonymous said...

In the begining i was pulling for MArio but the more he stayed on the more cocky he got and imo, more irritating. He started to believe nobody was going to beat him and that attitude did him in. By the time Emmitt and Cheryl caught up with him it was too late.

Emmitt and Cheryl had sexy appeal, class, romance and a more manly feel to them. While Mario showed he was spoiled and a momma's boy...his dancing never matured and he didn't have the smooth moves of Emmitt.

I'm not saying Mario didn't have the better dance skills but Emmitt wasn't that far off in skill level either and then he brought a higher level of charisma and graciousness to the show.

His ballroom dancing, in my opinion was better then Mario and he had better footwork.

Anonymous said...

I love MARIO!!!!!!

emmitt is a big BOLOGNA!!!! YOU CAN"T DANCE emmitt go to the SUPER BOLL AND DO YOUR job LOOSER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

anyone with an iota of intelligence knows that mario was the best dancer by far. what's the point of this show if the best dancer doesn't win??

Anonymous said...

Don't cry for Mario--remember, his mama said that she would make him a trophy. I agree with most posts here. Emmit Smith has SEX appeal and appealed to ALL--he worked HARD on his dance moves. You could tell--and who can resist his TEDDY BEAR smile! The right person won!

Anonymous said...

It is ridiculous that Mario lost because he was the best dancer! This show should focus on skills instead of popularity.

Anonymous said...

I thought the show was about taking someone with no dancing background and making them a better dancer. So the right person won.

Anonymous said...

Emmit not only evolved into an amazing dancing over the course of the last 9 weeks but also showed an unprecedented amount of charisma, skill and charm. He is sexy N smooth and dances like a man. Which most women (and some men!!) appreciate very much. Mario is way too cocky and lacks something. Not sure what it is , but he isn't that likeable. sorry!


Anonymous said...

I voted for Mario because I thought he was the best dancer - however, I don't mind that Emmett won because he was fantastic in his own right. It was obvious they both loved what they were doing and worked hard at doing it. I appreciate both their struggles and success'.

What I do find disheartening is how ungracious Mario and Karina were. Coming in second after such a close race is nothing to sneeze at. I think he should have thanked everyone for pulling for him and congratulated Emmett on his victory. That would have been the gracious way to end the competition. You can be disappointed, sure, but be professional in the end. I was very disappointed in a man that I had supported all the way through - until then.

Anonymous said...

I didn't like Mario from the begining.
He had alittle smirck on his face, like he was saying 'dont we already know who won? Me!'
SO i was glad Emmit won. If i was won of the perfessional dancers, I would be scared o Cheryl!
She won twice in a row.

Anonymous said...

I voted for Emmitt and Cheryl, and I am glad they won. But, if Mario had won, I would still watch the she. It is one of the few shows I have watched all season. It provides entertainment, without violence and profanity, and that's hard to come by. A show families can watch together. Congratulations, Emmitt and Cheryl!