Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Lohan in car wreck

Yuk. I wasn't going to post this one but apparently some of you out there are interested. No problem. Lohan was in a crash with a photographer. The freak was chasing her and he was booked on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon after hitting her car.

Lohan is fine. The photog was released on 35k bail and I'm sure he is out running around snapping more pics.

Lohan's mother, Dina, said in a statement: "I thank God my daughter was able to walk out of the car." So dramatic. Save the drama for your mama. Bingo.


shrimpfriedrice said...

"I thank God my MEAL TICKET was able to walk out of the car."

Michael Paul said...

That picture must have been taken back when she was eating.

Lilly and Willow said...

she looks like she is strung out on meth. I come from the country, I see the same look every day on the little crack bunnies in my town.