Thursday, August 04, 2005

Celeb quote of the day


"It can open doors. When I think about those who don't get the opportunity...I wrestle with that a bit."

Brad Pitt, on being handsome

updates this afternoon....


neal gardner said...

deep thoughts, by jack handey...

Anonymous said...

"Poor fugly people. How do they even live?", Brad mused, putting on his best Troy pucker lips and kissing his own image in the mirror.

Anonymous said...

Brad Pitt is probably a nice guy, but one of the world's great faces he ain't.

He's a good-looking, handsome every other joe in Hollywood. How many months till Angie dumps him on his penis-shaped head?

Lilly and Willow said...

Brad Pitt has the eyes, the charasmitic expressive crazy eyes make average man much more attractive.

Anonymous said...

Lilly and williow, I see you are one of the few that adore Brad and feel real fugly. Brad Pitt has an okay body for his age I admit, but have you seen his nose, and his skin. Puhlease gimme a break, he is an ASSHOLE, a prick, a loser and like vermont said, I can't wait to see him being dropped on his penis-shaped head.....hahahahaha

Anonymous said...

Your personality can definatly change your looks. Brad's certainly shows thru - pure ass!