Monday, September 26, 2005

I don't want a pickle....

Just a ride on my motorsickle. Brad and Angelina ride around Edmonton, Canada.


Anonymous said...

I do not remember Jen Aniston ever getting down like that

Anonymous said...

What about all the months these two indignantly denied claims of a romance? They accused the press of starting rumors that had no basis in fact!! "We are JUST FRIENDS!" "We're close because we worked with guns and HAD to trust one another." Why is it, NOT ONE interviewer will call them on their lies? Their holier-than-thou attitude regarding accusations of an affair? Their false claim that their 'friendship' developed quickly because "that is simply the nature of working with firearms"? You see, we American's are so obsessed with celebrity, we have to manufacture shit about these poor, innocent movie stars to feed our insatiable appetites for scandle! Have we no shame?

neal gardner said...

SC: good call.

when did angelina start dating johnny knoxville?

Anonymous said...

OMG, Neal. You're right. He does look like Johnny. These celebrities are in a constant state of metamorphosis. They must spend the majority of their lives in salons and trying on clothes. That would get so old, so fast.