Thursday, June 08, 2006

A convo between Jessica and Pam Anderson

This weeks Enquirer says that Jessica Simpson ran into Pam Anderson at a boutique in Santa Monica recently. Rumor is that Jessica is set to play Anderson's old role "CJ" in a new movie version of "Baywatch."

The rag says Jessica asked Pam, "How did you guys run so slowly in that opening 'Baywatch' know, where you're running down the beach?"

Pam asked her if she was "for real?"... Supposedly Simpson "changed the subject and laughed." Yuh huh!


0000 said...

PAM: "They'll never see your jugs in a sweater like that."

JESS: "No--it's to draw attention to my crotch. You know--with this tastelessly loud pre-op-tranny skirt."

PAM: "Oh. Yeah, but be careful. That's how you get Hep."

JESS: "Hep? OMIGOD, seriously Pam, don't worry. It's not like I swallow or anything. Jeez..."

neal gardner said...

TIR: awesome.

it's a good thing jessica isn't in the "Bionic Woman" remake.

na-na-na-na-na... thud.

(the sound of jessica trying to slow-motion jump off a building)