Saturday, July 09, 2005

Please give Bono his hat back

Bono went to court in Dublin to sue Lola Cashman, a stylist that worked for the band U2 in the 80's. She took his pants, sweatshirt, earrings, polaroid photos and a Stetson cowboy hat. Bono said the items sound trivial but they are personal.

Cashman spilled it on the band when she wrote a book last year. She claims the items were a gift, Bono says the band only gives that kind of stuff to charities. Come on lady!

Bono said, "It's not something that would happen. You may have wealth and power, but when someone is trying to push us around and threatening to publish books about us, at a certain point you have to say, 'Stop right there!.' "

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People keep on forgetting that celebrities are real people, they feel, love and fear, like all of us, they aren´t just things you can get some money from. Shame!