Monday, September 17, 2007

Britney could lose her boys today

Britney Spears may lose custody of her two sons within in the next 24 hours. Attorney Gloria Allred claims she is bringing a "secret" witness to court for the custody battle between Brit and K Fed this morning.

Allred signed a declaration from a witness, describing him as a man who had close observation of Britney's behavior with her kids, FOXNews reports.

"I am told that the witness could blow Spears' chances of keeping Sean Preston and Jayden James," FOXNews reporter Roger Friedman said. "The likely observations from the witness concerns drug usage by Spears in her home and in front of her kids."

Allred says, "You may or may not recognize him as we walk into court. He is not famous. He's just someone who's concerned about the kids."

Photo: Jossip

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